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 8 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Alfred Harral"Advanced Search
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'Philadephia, from Below the New South-Street-Bridge', 1874.  Creator: Alfred Harral.
'The Passaic Below the Falls', 1874. Creator: Alfred Harral.
'Great Falls of the Potomac', 1874.  Creator: Alfred Harral.
'Cañon of the Yellowstone', 1872.  Creator: Alfred Harral.
'Lassens Butte, Sacramento Valley', 1872.  Creator: Alfred Harral.
'Limestone Formation, on Pitt River', 1872.  Creator: Alfred Harral.
'Falls of the Willamette', 1872.  Creator: Alfred Harral.
'Yosemite Fall', 1872.  Creator: Alfred Harral.